MCL Village Project (MVP)

MCL Village Project (MVP) is a comprehensive initiative to promote the development of farmers and rural entrepreneurs in India, recognizing their crucial role in the country's economy.

We recognize that rural communities are the backbone of the country's economy, and therefore, have given birth to MCL Village Project (MVP), a comprehensive effort to promote the development of farmers and rural entrepreneurs in India.

Our goal is to help improve their standard of living and income by adopting sustainable and organic farming practices and centre the business model around the Gram Panchayat, which serves as the foundation for our efforts.

The agricultural initiative aims to phase out chemical farming methods and replace them with fully organic and sustainable practices. The project not only serves as a raw material supply chain but also provides a one-stop solution for various problems faced by rural communities, with the primary objective of helping communities transition to reusable products; and make this shift less daunting.